Foot Block - Peripheral nerve block

All operations of foot and toes
Special Contraindications:
Medial malleolus1, tibial a.2
Puncture sites:
On both sides of the tibial a.
Insertion of needle:
Introduce the needle vertical to the skin 0,5-2 cm deep
2-3 ml of 1% prilocaine or 0,5% bupivacaine
Medial malleolus1, tibial a.2
Puncture sites:
On both sides of the tibial a.
Insertion of needle:
Introduce the needle vertical to the skin 0,5-2 cm deep
2-3 ml of 1% prilocaine or 0,5% bupivacaine

Dorsalis pedis a.2
Puncture sites:
On both sides of dorsalis pedis a.
Insertion of needle:
Introduce the needle vertical to the skin directly beside the artery, up to
slightly below it. Repeat on other side of a.
2-3 ml 1 % lignocaine or prilocaine or 0,5% bupivacaine for each

Lateral malleolus1, tibial edge, achilles tendon
Insertion of needle:
S. c. infiltration from the tibial edge to the achilles tendon about one
hand's breadth above the lateral malleolus ^
S.c. infiltration from the tibial edge to the achilles tendon about one
hand's breadth above the medial malleolus
10-20 ml of 1% prilocaine or 0,25%-0,5% bupivacaine
xdpt blaja medic..
blaja kat sini pon jdik la..
wah dokter ni teror men gitar ler.. tunjuk ajar ku sifuuu
anyway nice blog and student medic takyah baca buku kalau nak exam, baca blog ni pun dh cukup..heheh
blh blajar n wt rujukan kt sini..klu nk tau ape just let me know..
nk blajar guitar,vokal blh zek tunjukan...nk blajar pasal perubatan pun blh...
hehhe.. Dr Zek yg serba boleh.. :)
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